How Do You Energize Your Team?

Do you know how to energize your team?

What do you do when you need to inspire your team to action?

Let’s consider all the storms that happen during hurricane season.

When storms come, some folks end up without electricity or energy to power their homes.

Fuel to provide energy for your vehicles can be in short supply.

When this happens, things don’t work well, and worse, some things don’t work at all.

And that’s how it is with Leadership.

So, let me ask you… are you an Energy Carrier?

Here’s what I mean…

Imagine this… you are in a room and the moment a specific “leader” walks in (don’t mention any names here okay)… you feel like all the energy has been sucked out? 🫣

That kind of leader drains all the energy from the room.

People are left deflated.

Or how about this…

You are in a room, and a leader walks in who brings a burst of energy?❤️

People are left energized.

That leader is what I call …. An Energy Carrier.

A leader who generates energy and helps build others up… avoids burnout and boosts productivity. 🎁

Do you know a leader like that?

Better yet… are you a leader like that?

Meet my friend… Leo is “that” kind of manager—high-energy, motivated, and someone you love being around.

When Leo walks into a room, the energy shifts. People sit up straighter, crack jokes, and share their best ideas.  Meetings are lively, ideas are flowing, and success is skyrocketing.

But leadership is never easy…  and such is the case with our leader, Leo.

Even leaders can lose their spark

It all began during a rough quarter.

A new product launch had gone sideways, client complaints started piling up, and deadlines were tighter than ever.

Leo, feeling the weight of the team’s success on his shoulders, tried to fix everything himself.

He stopped brainstorming with his team and started managing through emails.

Meetings became all business—no small talk, no jokes, just lists of tasks and timelines. 

At first, he thought he was doing the right thing by getting serious and working harder.

But something strange started to happen: the team’s energy drained right before his eyes.

When people would show up to meetings, the spark was gone.

Conversations were flat, ideas dried up, and even his most enthusiastic employees seemed distant. 

When the chips are down, great leaders rise up. 😉

Leo knew something needed to change. He needed to change—and fast.

That’s when he remembered something Kathy, his assistant once told him: “Good leaders keep people on track, but valuable leaders carry energy.” 

The next morning, Leo grabbed his notebook and wrote down three steps to get back on track:

  1. Inspire and Motivate

  2. Communicate and Connect

  3. Trust and Engage

Step #1: Inspire and Motivate Others

The first thing Leo tackled was his team’s motivation.

He could tell that people were dragging—and honestly, he didn’t blame them.

Everyone had been buried in work for weeks, with no time to pause and remember why they were doing it all. 

At the Monday morning meeting, Leo walked into the conference room with a grin instead of his usual clipboard.

He leaned forward. "We didn’t sign up for this job to just hit numbers, right? We’re here because what we do makes life better for our customers. And we’re the team to do it." 

Heads began to nod. The usual stiffness in the room eased, and someone even cracked a joke about needing more coffee to "be meaningful."

Step #2: Communicate and Connect 

Leo’s next move was to reconnect with his team on a personal level.

He realized he’d been so focused on getting things done that he hadn’t checked in with anyone—not really.

So, he made it a point to grab five-minute chats with each team member throughout the week. 

He stopped by Mike’s desk in IT to ask about his marathon training. "How’s it going?  Still planning to beat your personal best?" Mike laughed. "Trying! Though at this rate, my best might just be finishing." 

Later, Leo caught up with Zoe from Marketing, who admitted she was on the edge of burnout. "You know," Leo said, "you’ve been killing it lately.

You need a break—take Friday off and reset, plus put in your vacation time now because regardless of when you take it ---- it’s approved."

Zoe gave him a grateful smile. "Really? Thanks, Leo." 

Those small, real conversations began to change the atmosphere.

People felt seen, heard, and valued again, and it showed.

They started smiling more, sharing ideas more freely, and—even better—bringing themselves back into the work. 

Step #3: Trust and Engage

Finally, Leo knew he had to let go of his need to control everything.

He realized he had been micromanaging—constantly checking emails, redoing reports, and tweaking presentations.

That wasn’t leadership; it was exhaustion disguised as responsibility. 

So, Leo called in Rachel, one of the newer project managers. "Hey, Rachel," he said, "I want you to take the lead on the client presentation next week." 

Rachel’s eyes widened. "Me?  But… what if I mess it up?" Leo grinned. "Then we’ll figure it out. But I trust you—you’ve got this." 

Rachel left his office nervous but excited. And when she nailed the presentation, Leo made sure to give her the credit in front of the whole team.

By handing off responsibility and trusting his team, Leo didn’t just lighten his load—he empowered others to take ownership. 

People weren’t just showing up to work—they were showing up for each other.

Within a few weeks, the team’s energy came roaring back.

Deadlines were met, ideas flowed, and even the breakroom banter returned.

And Leo? Well, he got his spark back too.

But now, instead of doing everything himself, he had a whole team carrying energy alongside him. 

Friends, leadership isn’t about doing more or controlling everything. It’s about carrying energy—the kind that motivates others, builds connections, and fosters trust. 

So, let me ask you:

Are you carrying energy today?

Or are you, like Leo once was, stuck in the weeds of work and missing the bigger picture? 

If you’re feeling a little drained today, don’t worry.

Leo found his way back, and so can you. 😉

I’m cheering 📣 for you!

Listen to the Podcast here:

❤️Please forward this article and share these lessons… because that’s what leaders do!


How To Encourage Yourself?