How To Stop Holding Yourself Back?
How do you push past your fears and stop holding yourself back?
What if there is something you can do to help you overcome the fear of rejection, failure, or what others think?
Well, there’s a story I’ve been waiting to tell you - a story about someone who might remind you of yourself. Let me introduce you to Debbie, an ordinary leader with extraordinary potential, though she didn’t always know it.
An Ordinary Leader With Extraordinary Potential
It wasn’t that Debbie was lazy or lacked ambition. It was the quiet fear in the back of her mind that whispered: “What if I fail? What if they laugh? What if I’m not good enough?”
You see, fear is sneaky like that. It hides in the corners of our comfort zones, convincing us that staying safe is better than reaching for something greater. But here’s the twist in Debbie’s story—one that might inspire you to rewrite your own.
A Leap of Faith… and Trouble Ahead 😱
One day, Debbie got tired of playing small. She was fed up with the nagging feeling that life was passing her by. So, after months of hesitation, she took a leap. She quit her stable job to start her dream business—something she’d always wanted but never dared to pursue. At first, things seemed great. Debbie felt alive. The excitement of working on something she was passionate about fueled her through the early mornings and long nights. But then… everything started to unravel.
Sales didn’t come as quickly as she hoped. Her savings began to drain, and doubts crept in again. Friends and family started to ask, “Are you sure this was a good idea?” With every passing day, Debbie felt the weight of their words—and her own fear—growing heavier.
Have you ever been there? On the edge of something incredible, only to feel like the rug is being pulled out from under you? Debbie was right there. And to be honest, she thought about quitting. She thought about going back to her old job where things were predictable and comfortable.
But deep down, she knew that comfort zone was where her dreams would die. “Comfort” might feel good in the short term, but it would keep her from becoming the person she was meant to be. She needed a way forward. And that’s when everything changed.
How To Push Through Your Fear and Get Back on Track
Debbie didn’t just bounce back by chance—she followed a path that any of us can follow. It’s a path you can walk too, no matter what fear you’re facing today. Here’s how Debbie turned things around, and here’s how you can do it too.
1. Face the Fear Head-On- Debbie realized that the more she tried to avoid fear, the more it controlled her. She made the decision to face it directly. One morning, instead of hiding from her challenges, she sat down and wrote out every fear holding her back: fear of failure, fear of what people thought, fear of making a mistake.
Then she asked herself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” The answer wasn’t as scary as she imagined. And suddenly, the power fear had over her began to shrink.
Your Action Step: Write down your biggest fears. Be honest with yourself. Then, ask: “What’s the worst that could happen?” When you confront fear with clarity, it loses its grip on you.
2. Take Imperfect Action- Here’s the thing—Debbie didn’t have everything figured out, and she realized she didn’t need to. Success isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. So instead of waiting for the perfect moment or the perfect plan, Debbie took small steps forward every day.
She made phone calls she was scared to make. She reached out to mentors. She put her work out there, even when it wasn’t perfect. And little by little, momentum started building.
Your Action Step: What’s one step you can take today, even if it’s not perfect? Maybe it’s sending an email, making a call, or signing up for a course. Progress beats perfection every time.
3. Build a Circle of Courage- Debbie knew she couldn’t do it alone, so she surrounded himself with people who believed in her—even when she doubted herself. She found mentors, joined business groups, and connected with like-minded people who understood the journey.
The truth is, fear grows in isolation. But when you’re connected to others who are chasing their dreams too, you feel braver. You realize you’re not alone, and that gives you the strength to keep going.
Your Action Step: Find your tribe. It could be a mastermind group, a mentor, or just one person who believes in you. Don’t fight fear alone—lean on others who will push you forward. (reach out to me because I would love to be your coach on this journey).
Where Your Dreams Live
Debbie’s story doesn’t end with her becoming a millionaire overnight. But she did build a business she loves. She did overcome her fears. And more importantly, she became the kind of person she always knew she could be.
She learned that fear will always be there, but it doesn’t have to run the show. And here’s the truth, friend: The life you want—the dreams you’ve buried, the potential you know is inside you—it’s all waiting for you. But you won’t find it in your comfort zone.
That’s where your dreams go to die.
If you stay where it’s safe, you’ll miss out on the incredible life waiting for you. But if you’re willing to face your fears, take imperfect action, and find your tribe, you’ll discover that everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.
The Choice is Yours 😉
So, what’s it going to be? Will you stay in the comfort of what’s familiar? Or will you step into the unknown and see what you’re truly capable of?
You don’t need to have all the answers right now. You just need to take the first step. Face your fear, take action, and surround yourself with people who will help you along the way.
Your potential is waiting. Your dreams are waiting.
It’s time to leave the comfort zone behind—because life’s too short to play small. The leader within you is ready to rise.
Are you ready?
Well, by now you might have figured it out. This story isn’t just about Debbie—it’s about you. And just like Debbie, you have what it takes to overcome fear and live the life you were meant to live. So, take the first step today. Don’t wait. Because the only thing standing between you and your potential… is fear. Let’s push through it together!
I’m cheering 📣 for you!
P.S. If you’re ready to push past fear and step into your full potential—then I’d like to personally invite you to grab a copy of my book, The Valuable Leader: 7 Steps to Greater Growth, Value, and Influence.
Click Here: Grab your copy today
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