What Can Storms Teach You?

Have you ever wonder, what can storms teach you?

What’s the best thing you learned from storms?

Let’s take a trip back to September 1st, 2019 and let’s look at the lessons storms can teach us.

Many of you might remember Hurricane Dorian as it barreled through the Bahamas, originally forecasted as a category 3 hurricane, only ---to transform into a catastrophic category 5.

Winds were exceeding 200 mph and surges of water reaching up to 23 feet!

Imagine the fear.

Imagine the uncertainty.

Sometimes things don’t go as you expect.

On the tiny little island, facing this massive storm, is my sister, Lilly.

She’s a beacon of strength, and her story is one that I believe we can all learn from.

The Saturday before the storm, Lilly thought everything was secure and that the hurricane would simply pass.

But when the storm hit, it was like a punch to the gut.

She recalls waking up that Sunday morning, realizing the storm was gaining strength, and feeling a deep sense of dread washing over her.

“What if our homes can’t withstand this?” She thought… her heart racing as the winds began to howl.

When your storms come, so does your fear.

As the storm raged on, my sister quickly ran to a safer part of her house, praying for safety and for her neighbors.

There’s something so raw and vulnerable about those moments when you realize just how much you can lose.

The damage was huge, and suddenly, the beautiful island she called home was unrecognizable.

Lilly and her neighbors faced incredible adversity.

Homes were destroyed, connections were loss, and hope was fading.

But here’s where the story takes a turn.

In the chaos, Lilly found strength she didn’t know she had.

As she waded through debris and rising waters, she realized something powerful: they were all alive.

Yes, —they lost so much, but they still had each other.

And isn’t that a lesson in itself?

Now, let’s talk about the lessons we can glean from Lilly’s experience and from storms in general:

Lesson One: Your Greatest Strength is Tested in the Storms.

When fear grips your heart, that’s when you will discover just how strong you truly are.

Lesson Two: Losses Help You Value What You Still Have.

Learn to cherish the relationships and the simple things in your life—because that’s what truly matters.

Lesson Three: Change is a Part of Life; It’s Only a Question of When.

Storms remind us that nothing stays the same.

Reinvention is necessary, and how we choose to adapt ----that is what will define us.

After what felt like an eternity, help finally arrived for the island community.

My sister and her neighbors banded together, working to rebuild not just their homes but their spirits.

They found comfort in community ---and strength in unity.

And friends…. you can too…

As you navigate your own storms—whether personal, professional, or even those unexpected life challenges—hold onto these lessons.

My sister and the little island now stand a testament to resilience, hope, and the power of community.

Years later, they’re still rebuilding, but they’re not just surviving; they’re thriving.

So, next time you face your own storm, remember this story.

Embrace the lessons it offers. 

You will be stronger for it!

I’m cheering 📣 for you!


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